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InstitutionMississippi Research and Curriculum Unit for Vocational and Technical Education, State College.
TitelMississippi Curriculum Framework for Jewelry and Watch Repair Cluster (Program CIP: 47.0408--Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repair). Postsecondary Programs.
Quelle(1996), (74 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Academic Education; Behavioral Objectives; Community Colleges; Competence; Competency Based Education; Core Curriculum; Design Crafts; Problem Solving; Repair; State Curriculum Guides; Statewide Planning; Technical Education; Technical Institutes; Two Year Colleges; Watchmakers; Work Experience Programs; Mississippi
AbstractThis document, which is intended for use by community and junior colleges throughout Mississippi, contains curriculum frameworks for the course sequences in the jewelry design, fabrication, and repair program. Presented in the introduction are a framework of programs and courses, a program description, and suggested course sequence. Section I consists of outlines for each of the following course sequences in the program: jewelry and watch repair (fundamentals of watch and jewelry repair, special problem in jewelry and watch repair, and work-based learning in jewelry and watch repair); jewelry design, fabrication, and repair (basic jewelry repair, jewelry casting and design, jewelry repair I-III, stone setting, and advanced stone setting); and watch repair (mechanical watches I-II, basic quartz analog watches, watch repair, and advanced watch repair I-III). Each course outline contains some/all of the following: course name and abbreviation; course classification; course description; prerequisites; and competencies and suggested objectives. Recommended tools and equipment are listed in section II. Appended are lists of related academic topics and workplace skills for the 21st century and a student competency profile for the jewelry design, fabrication, and repair and watch repair programs. (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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