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Autor/inPerry, Ronald
InstitutionWashington State Legislature, Olympia. Legislative Budget Committee.
TitelSelected Issues Relating to Community Colleges. Report No. 84-5.
Quelle(1984), (29 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrators; Community Colleges; Compensation (Remuneration); Expenditures; Financial Policy; Fringe Benefits; Personnel Policy; Resource Allocation; Salaries; School Policy; State Legislation; State Standards; Statewide Planning; Vacations; Washington
AbstractDesigned to provide the Washington State Legislature with information for use in making future legislative determinations concerning selected community college issues, this report presents information on the state's community colleges including policies on annual leave, allocation of resources, and salary increments. Part I outlines the scope and objectives of the report. Part II provides a report summary in the areas of leave policies, resource allocation, and salary increases. Part III reviews annual leave policies for administrators in all of the state's community colleges and includes an examination of compliance with statutes and legislative intent in the area of leave policies. This section includes a review of the relevant statutes, results of a survey of college policies, a comparison with other state agencies' policies, conclusions, and recommendations. Part IV examines and evaluates the allocation of fiscal resources at five sample colleges: Bellevue; Clark; Fort Steilacoom; Highline; and Shoreline. This part includes a breakdown of expenditures by instructional and service area, conclusions, and recommendations. Part V examines salary increments at the five sample colleges to determine whether salary increases have been made in accordance with legislative intent. Appendices include a summary of recommendations, an examination of the fiscal impact of placing a limitation on the accumulation of annual leave, and agency comments. (HB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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