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Autor/inn/enOller, John W.; Obrecht, Dean H.
TitelPattern Drill and Communicative Activity: A Psycholinguistic Experiment.
Quelle6 (1968) 2, S.165-174 (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterApplied Linguistics; Educational Experiments; High School Students; Instructional Materials; Language Research; Language Skills; Pattern Drills (Language); Psycholinguistics; Second Language Learning; Spanish; Speech Communication; Teaching Methods
AbstractAn experiment measuring the effectiveness of two procedures for presenting pattern drills was devised in order to show that pattern drills are most useful as a learning device if deliberately related to situational or meaningful content. Criteria for the selection of subjects are presented here, as are sample test items and a table of results. Techniques of the study are briefly evaluated. The authors emphasize the need to differentiate between skill (manipulative skills) and art (expressive use) in foreign language teaching, but do not recommend a separation of the two in actual classroom practice. (JH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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