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Sonst. PersonenAlphin, Henry C., Jr. (Hrsg.); Lavine, Jennie (Hrsg.); Chan, Roy Y. (Hrsg.)
TitelDisability and Equity in Higher Education Accessibility
Quelle(2017), (349 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDisabilities; Higher Education; Pervasive Developmental Disorders; Autism; Part Time Students; Assistive Technology; Access to Education; Educational Games; Inclusion; Barriers; Accessibility (for Disabled); School Holding Power; Academic Libraries; Electronic Learning; Electronic Libraries; College Students; Equal Education
AbstractEducation is the foundation to almost all successful lives. It is vital that learning opportunities are available on a global scale, regardless of individual disabilities or differences, and to create more inclusive educational practices. "Disability and Equity in Higher Education Accessibility" is a comprehensive reference source for the latest scholarly material on emerging methods and trends in disseminating knowledge in higher education, despite traditional hindrances. Featuring extensive coverage on relevant topics such as higher education policies, electronic resources, and inclusion barriers, this publication is ideally designed for educators, academics, students, and researchers interested in expanding their knowledge of disability-inclusive global education. Following a foreword by Michael E. Scheuermann and a preface by the editors, this book contains the following chapters: (1) The Future of Accessibility in Higher Education: Making College Skills and Degrees More Accessible (Roy Y. Chan); (2) Tackling the Emerging New Norms in Higher Education in Post-Recession America (Wayne Perry Webster and Zach P. Messitte); (3) Rethinking the College Environment: Do Colleges Have a Responsibility to Their Students Beyond College Life? (Washieka Torres); (4) Accessibility and Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Legal Perspectives in the United States (Kirsten Brown); (5) Higher Education for Whom? Higher Education for What? A Critical Quantitative Analysis of the Expansion of Access to Higher Education in the United States (Brooke Midkiff); (6) Laws, Finance, and Policies of Higher Education Accessibility (Jennifer Raasch); (7) Part-Time Students and Performance-Based Funding 2.0 in United States Public Higher Education (Brian A. Peters and Ginger Burks Draughon); (8) Wheelchair Access and Inclusion Barriers on Campus: Exploring Universal Design Models in Higher Education (Maryan Amaral); (9) Expanding Notions of Access: Opportunities and Future Directions for Universal Design (Emily Ehlinger); (10) Institutional, Legal, and Attitudinal Barriers to the Accessibility of University Digital Libraries: Implications for Retention of Disabled Students (Sushil K. Oswal); (11) Access and Accessibility of Academic Libraries' Electronic Resources and Services: Identifying Themes in the Literature From 2000 to the Present (Barbara Blummer and Jeffrey M. Kenton); and (12) An Investigation Into the Gamification of E-Learning in Higher Education (Fenio Annansingh). A compilation of references, a section about the contributors, and an index are included. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenIGI Global. 701 East Chocolate Avenue Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033. Tel: 866-342-6657; Tel: 717-533-8845; Fax: 717-533-8661; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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