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Autor/inLiu, Eric Zhi-Feng
TitelA Case Study of Networked Portfolio Assessment System for Cooperative Learning
Quelle(2005), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterProgram Effectiveness; Portfolios (Background Materials); Teaching Methods; Information Management; Cooperative Learning; Internet; Portfolio Assessment; Case Studies; Student Evaluation; Evaluation Methods
AbstractThis study examines the usefulness of a networked portfolio assessment system for cooperative learning. The system is with instructional methods that expresses ideas via written report and oral presentation, accumulated dialogues through inquiries between peers, critical thinking via peer-assessment and self-assessment, and knowledge construction via practical assignment. In this pilot study, both grades of peer-assessment and instructor-assessment were used to evaluate the students' performance. Students answered a post questionnaire that measured their attitudes toward the system. Forty-six juniors, majoring in information management, enrolled in a course called "Internet Technology" and were assigned to twenty-three teams. Each team was assigned to implement a web-based system (e.g. an on-line travel system or an on-line bookstore) capable of performing certain functions. The quantitative results revealed that the students? achievements increased significantly from first round to second round and that more students were willing to join the learning activities similar to this study. (Author).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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