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Autor/inn/enBrooks, Greg; Hutchison, Dougal
InstitutionBasic Skills Agency (England)
TitelFamily Numeracy Adds on: The Follow-Up Study of the Basic Skills Agency's Pilot Programme
Quelle(2002), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNumeracy; Peer Groups; Family Literacy; Followup Studies; Foreign Countries; Children; Intergenerational Programs; Parents; National Programs; Pilot Projects; School Districts; Parent Participation; Academic Achievement; Student Motivation; Attendance; Mental Computation; Comparative Analysis; United Kingdom
AbstractIn 1998 the authors published research with NFER (National Foundation for Educational Research) "Family Numeracy Adds Up" showing how parents and children had gained from fourteen pilot family numeracy programmes. It showed strong evidence of the double benefits of work with families. Children have an early boost in their learning and parents, who often come for the sake of their child, go on to pursue their own learning. The authors think it's always important to try and find out whether the good effects of programmes last. This report sets out to answer that question. They followed up children who had taken part in the pilots, and matched them with a peer group. Highlights of this report include: (1) This follow-up was small-scale: 63 family numeracy children, and 61 comparison children; (2) The family numeracy children were no more likely than comparison children to require special measures; (3) Family numeracy children were superior to comparison children in the support they received from their families, attendance, and competence with mental calculation; (4) Family numeracy children were equal to comparison children in other academic and motivational respects; (5) Family numeracy children's parents were twice as likely as those of comparison children to be involved with their child's school; and (6) These results are very similar to those of the Family Literacy Demonstration Programmes follow-up. [For previous report, "Family Numeracy Adds Up. Lessons from the Family Numeracy Pilot Programme," see ED426252.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBasic Skills Agency. Available from: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education. 21 De Montford Street, Leicester, LE1 7GE, UK. Tel: +44-116-204-4200; Fax: +44-116-285-4514; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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