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Autor/inChiacchia, Monique
TitelInvisible Bruises: Understanding Domestic Violence Indicators in Online Students and How Faculty Can Offer Support
Quelle(2012), (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterFamily Violence; Victims; College Students; Distance Education; Social Isolation; Student Needs; College Faculty; Teacher Role; Social Support Groups; Legal Responsibility
AbstractDomestic violence has been a reality in civilized society since a time prior to the Bible, but it has only been within the last thirty years that public recognition of its effects has infiltrated the media and the law. This has been due in part to the writings and research of Lenore Walker, who has been called the "Mother of The Battered Woman's Syndrome." The phrase "domestic violence" refers to any pattern of abuse exhibited by one member in an intimate relationship over the other. Domestic abuse, spousal abuse, intimate partner violence, and family violence are other phrases that are used to describe the same situation. Moreover, domestic violence takes on many different forms. It can involve physical contact as well as emotional/psychological manipulation and threats. It occurs in heterosexual as well as homosexual relationships. (The vast majority of victims of domestic violence are women, and for this reason I will use the female gender when referring to victims. However, it should be noted that men are also be the victims of domestic violence). Traditional, on-campus educators can observe in their students the physical effects of battering, which include such things as broken bones, lacerations, bruising, and emotional instability. However, when the victim is an online student and there is no face-to-face interaction between teacher and student, the wounds are not as visible. However, it is this isolated student who needs even more support to become strong enough to free herself from abuse and create a better life by obtaining a degree. This article proposes that if online educators understand the nature of abusive relationships, and can learn to appreciate indicators of abuse, the educators may be able to offer more support, which in turn can help an abused student stay in school and better her life condition. (Contains 53 endnotes.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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