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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enDevaney, Barbara; und weitere
InstitutionMathematica Policy Research, Princeton, NJ.
TitelEvaluating the Effects of School Health Interventions on School Performance. Design Report.
[Report No.: MPR-8086-100
Quelle(1993), (114 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Research; Food Service; Health Education; Health Programs; Health Promotion; Health Related Fitness; Intervention; Outcomes of Education; Physical Education; Program Effectiveness; Public Health; Research Design; School Activities; School Health Services; Schools; Student Attitudes
AbstractThis evaluation design report presents a general framework for assessing the effects of school health interventions on students' school performance in order to guide efforts to develop strong empirical evidence. The report begins with an overview of eight general types of school health interventions: school health education, health services, efforts to promote a healthy school environment, school food services, physical education and fitness, integration of school and community health promotion, school counseling, and health promotion for school faculty and staff. The report then reviews measures of school performance and primary data sources for obtaining those measures. Measures include education outcomes, student behaviors, and student attitudes. The primary data sources are school records and student surveys. The report reviews the procedures needed to collect data from each source. The report concludes by reviewing three major evaluation design options: (1) encourage and support the evaluation efforts of school districts; (2) exploit the data collected by the national surveys directed by the National Center for Education Statistics; and (3) conduct multi-school demonstrations either as add-ons to existing evaluations or as new efforts to test alternative health interventions. Contains 81 references. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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