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Autor/inn/enFarbman, David; Kaplan, Claire
InstitutionMassachusetts 2020
TitelTime for a Change: The Promise of Extended Time Schools for Promoting Student Achievement. Executive Summary
Quelle(2005), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterExtended School Day; Extended School Year; Educational Change; Academic Achievement; Time Factors (Learning); Educational Finance; Public Schools; Charter Schools; Urban Schools; Enrichment Activities; Time on Task; Faculty Development; Tutoring; Working Hours; Teachers; School Personnel; Partnerships in Education; Fund Raising; Budgeting; Costs; Massachusetts; New York; Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
AbstractMassachusetts 2020 is a nonprofit operating foundation with a mission to expand educational and economic opportunities for children and families across Massachusetts. Massachusetts 2020, with support from the L.G. Balfour Foundation, a Bank of America Company, set out to understand how a select group of extended-time schools in Massachusetts and other nearby states do, in fact, manage to offer a significantly longer day than most district public schools. The authors defined an extended time school as one that offers all its enrolled students at least 15 percent more learning time than the conventional schedule. This study is not intended to suggest that these extended-time schools automatically produce better results. Neither is it meant to prove that extended-time schools alone offer a superior educational product. Rather, this research was conducted to understand how these particular schools, which have already demonstrated themselves to be effective, capitalize on the additional time and how the educators there perceive this additional time as beneficial to their overall educational mission. It is hoped that their examples are both inspirational and informational for those who seek to operate schools that break from the conventional schedule for the express purpose of enhancing teaching and learning. It is also hoped that these schools can help lead to a deeper, more systemic approach to extending learning time for the students of Massachusetts and the nation. Massachusetts 2020 identified eight urban schools that fit its definition of an extended-time school, that serve large populations of poor students, and that have demonstrated higher levels of academic proficiency than surrounding district schools. The Massachusetts 2020 research team spent 1-2 days at each school, meeting with school leaders, teachers, students, and parents, observing classes and examining key documents such as school budgets, annual reports, and test results. At these visits, Massachusetts 2020 sought to understand how these schools schedule, staff, and pay for the additional time and how the additional time impacts student learning. This executive summary presents some of the key findings from these visits. (Contains 1 table, 5 figures and 7 notes.) [Funding for this paper was provided by the L.G. Balfour Foundation. For the main report, "Time for a Change: The Promise of Extended-Time Schools for Promoting Student Achievement. Research Report," see ED534912.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenMassachusetts 2020. 24 School Street 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02108. Tel: 617-723-6747; Fax: 617-723-6746; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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