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Autor/inArbelbide, Cindy Lea
InstitutionTexas State Library, Austin.
TitelCelebrate Texas. Texas Reading Club, 1986. A Planning and Programming Handbook.
Quelle(1986), (167 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Leitfaden; Childrens Literature; Commercial Art; Culture; Elementary Secondary Education; Library Services; Program Development; Program Guides; Public Libraries; Publicity; Reading Games; Reading Programs; Recreational Reading; State History; State Programs; Texas
AbstractDesigned as a guide for the children's portion of a library's year-long Texas Sesquicentennial program, this manual includes program ideas and materials for younger children, parents, and volunteers. The divisions of the 1986 Texas Reading Club are listed, and a sample registration form, junior librarian's list of duties, and volunteer registration form are provided. Samples of the following documents to be used for Reading Club administration are offered: (1) Budget Outline; (2) Texas Bibliography Review; (3) Texas Wishlist; (4) Sesquicentennial Vertical File request form; (5) Individual Program Outline; (6) Press Release Form; and (7) Media Release Form. The 12-month Sesquicentennial calendar is presented, followed by suggestions for activities based on calendar dates, statewide activities, and the Celebrate Texas bibliography. The annotated bibliography includes the addresses of the publishers and any distributors of the books listed. In addition, the handbook lists state agencies and suppliers, and provides information on Sesquicentennial logo art and "Texadillo," the Sesquicentennial mascot. Various "clip-art" graphic representations of the Sesquicentennial logo and other related subjects are appended. (KM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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