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Autor/inn/enHull, Daniel M.; Lovett, James E.
InstitutionCenter for Occupational Research and Development, Inc., Waco, TX.
TitelTask Analysis and Descriptions of Required Job Competencies for Robotics/Automated Systems Technicians. Final Report. Volume 2. Curriculum Planning Guide.
Quelle(1985), (73 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Automation; Core Curriculum; Course Descriptions; Curriculum Development; Electromechanical Technology; Guides; Job Analysis; Job Skills; Labor Needs; Learning Modules; Manufacturing; Models; Occupational Information; Postsecondary Education; Program Development; Program Implementation; Robotics; Technical Education; Technological Advancement; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThis volume of the final report for the Robotics/Automated Systems Technician (RAST) curriculum project is a curriculum planning guide intended for school administrators, faculty, and student counselors/advisors. It includes step-by-step procedures to help institutions evaluate their community's needs and their capabilities to meet these needs in the area of RAST training. Chapter I describes robotics/automated systems technology. Brief explanations of the components of robots and automated systems are provided. The special capabilities distinguishing these systems from traditional manufacturing equipment are listed and described. Current applications are catalogued briefly. Chapter II provides information about the expected future demand for RASTs and recommendations for conducting local and regional needs surveys. Chapter III provides a job description and task analysis for the RAST. Chapter IV describes the rationale, structure, and content of a recommended RAST training program. The core curriculum approach is explained and the national model for a RAST curriculum is described. Course descriptions, outlines, and a suggested sequence are included. Recommendations and information regarding program planning and implementation are contained in chapter V. Facilities and equipment, staffing, costs, and entrance guidelines are considered. Appendixes include specialty course outlines and a listing of textbooks and references. (YLB)
AnmerkungenCenter for Occupational Research and Development, 601C Lake Air Drive, Waco, TX 76710.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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