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Autor/inSimpson, William A.
TitelBuilding an Institutional Costing Model.
Quelle(1984), (25 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Budgeting; College Instruction; Cost Estimates; Decision Making; Educational Finance; Evaluation Methods; Expenditures; Faculty Workload; Higher Education; Institutional Research; Models; Program Costs; Research Projects; Statistical Analysis; Systems Approach; Unit Costs
AbstractA procedure for developing a costing model is described. Limitations of a cost analysis are also reviewed, with attention to the problems of handling joint products, obtaining accurate faculty effort data, measuring educational outputs, and calculating marginal costs. A researcher charged with developing a costing model is faced with the task of developing the methodology leading to the cost model. The researcher must also decide what type of analysis should be done and how the results should be displayed. The cost model should include the following seven steps: determining how the decision-makers intend to use the cost data, defining the costs to be considered, deciding how to measure the costs, determining the cost objectives, deciding how to assign costs to the cost objectives, deciding what analyses are to be performed upon the cost data, and determining the display formats. To aid the researcher, outlines are presented of the costing options, including: 15 uses of cost data; different types of costs (e.g., direct costs, marginal costs); ways to measure instruction and program costs, cost objectives, methods of assigning costs to cost objectives, and analysis options. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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