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Autor/inBrenner, David W.
InstitutionCatskill Area School Study Council, Oneonta, NY.
TitelAn Analysis of the Otego-Unadilla Central School District Reorganization with Emphasis on the Functional and Legal Control of the State Education Department. A Case Study.
Quelle(1967), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrative Organization; Board Administrator Relationship; Case Studies; Centralization; Community Relations; Educational History; Legal Responsibility; Legislation; Master Plans; Organizational Change; Public Support; Rural Education; School Organization; State Departments of Education; State School District Relationship; New York
AbstractAn analysis presents the many factors which enter into the process of reorganizing two central school districts into a larger, more effective district. The analysis follows the two districts through the reorganization procedure and into resulting administrative and financial problems. The involvement and influence of the State Education Department during reorganization are pointed out. An historical development of school district reorganization in New York State is accompanied by a chronological listing of legislation and its effect on districts. By introducing the relationships among school districts, the district superintendent, the State Education Department, and local governments, along with the elements of public support and lay-committee involvement, this study brings out much of the interaction which takes place during reorganization. A bibliography is included. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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