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Autor/inChristensen, John O.
TitelAfter the Installation: Management of Library Automation.
Quelle(1991), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Computer Literacy; Decision Making; Financial Support; Higher Education; Integrated Library Systems; Library Administration; Library Automation; Library Expenditures; Library Services; Library Surveys; Library Technical Processes
AbstractAfter noting that library processes are continually becoming more automated and that services are being introduced at an ever-increasing rate, this paper goes on to describe the composition and functions of Brigham Young University's Integrated Library System (ILS) Committee, which was established by the library administration to advise it on automation decisions. The results of a survey of about 400 academic libraries that was conducted to determine how they were making their automation decisions are then presented, based on the approximately 100 replies received. The respondents' replies are summarized under the following five categories: (1) computer expertise among librarians; (2) parent organization and other outside library support; (3) vendor support; (4) funding; and (5) decision making structure. It is concluded that the significant costs, tight budgets at most libraries, and the nontechnical backgrounds of most librarians indicate a need for careful decisions on these processes and services. (14 references) (MAB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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