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Sonst. PersonenArmour-Garb, Allison (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government
TitelIntergovernmental Approaches for Strengthening K-12 Accountability Systems
Quelle(2007), (151 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterConferences (Gatherings); Elementary Secondary Education; Educational Testing; Educational Change; Accountability; Educational Researchers; Public Policy; Agency Cooperation; Standard Setting; Evaluation Methods; Conference Papers; Change Agents; Change Strategies; Academic Standards; Evaluation Problems; Educational Policy; Policy Formation; Educational Improvement; Improvement Programs
AbstractThis volume contains an edited transcript of the Rockefeller Institute's October 29, 2007 symposium (Chicago, IL) entitled "Intergovernmental Approaches to Strengthen K-12 Accountability Systems" as well as a framework paper circulated in preparation for the symposium. The transcript begins with a list of the forty state and federal education officials, testing experts, and educational researchers and education policy experts who participated, as well as introductory remarks by Michael McPherson, president of the Spencer Foundation (which co-sponsored the event with the Joyce Foundation). The morning panel was devoted to possible institutional models for setting K-12 standards. The lead speakers were Michael Cohen, president of Achieve, Inc., and Chester E. Finn, Jr., president of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation; this section was moderated by Education Week's Lynn Olson. The afternoon panel was devoted to intergovernmental approaches to the oversight of testing. The lead speakers were Robert Linn of the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, & Student Testing and Thomas Toch of Education Sector; the moderator was John Merrow of Learning Matters. A framework paper by the Rockefeller Institute's director of education studies, Allison Armour-Garb, was circulated in advance of the Symposium to participants and is also included in this volume. The paper describes structural problems in educational accountability and explores possible functions and institutional models for an intergovernmental collaborative entity. Appended to the document are the following: (1) Lessons from Previous Federal Efforts; (2) Previous Efforts to Establish Oversight of Testing; and (3) Achieve. (Contains 63 footnotes.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenNelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government. 411 State Street, Albany, NY 12203-1003. Tel: 518-443-5522; Fax: 518-443-5788; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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