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Sonst. PersonenHammond, Carol (Hrsg.)
InstitutionArizona State Library Association, Phoenix.; Mountain Plains Library Association.; Arizona Educational Media Association.
TitelKaleidoscope: Joint Conference of the Arizona State Library Association, Mountain Plains Library Association and Arizona Education Media Association. Proceedings of the Research Forum (Phoenix, Arizona, October 29-November 2, 1991).
Quelle(1991), (80 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Libraries; Course Integrated Library Instruction; Databases; Government Publications; Higher Education; Library Collections; Library Personnel; Library Research; Library Services; Optical Data Disks; Preservation; Problems; Self Evaluation (Groups); Seminars; Surveys; Use Studies; Vandalism
AbstractThe six papers in this collection address as many different topics. In "Circulation Desk Staff Amiability and Patron Satisfaction," Laureen Cardon and Nathan M. Smith describe a study at Brigham Young University which demonstrated that interpersonal relations training for circulation desk staff could improve patron satisfaction. Anna L. DeMiller reports on a study which developed a practical way to connect collection development and preservation in "Survey of Research Collection with Preservation, Assessment, Weeding, and Inventory Objectives." In "The American Memory Prototype: Assessing a New Library Tool," M. Alan Overstreet discusses preliminary conclusions from a study of users of this Library of Congress project that was carried out at Brigham Young University. "An Exploration of Vandalism/Food/Drink Issues in Academic Libraries," by Susan L. Richards and Lisa F. Lister, reports on a survey conducted to determine the degree to which these issues are considered problems, how many and what kinds of policies exist, and what remedial steps libraries have taken in response. In "The Harvard Assessment Seminars: Their Implications for Public Services in the Academic Library," Michele Wolff summarizes findings from the original seminars for university administrators and teaching faculty and suggests ways they might be adapted to the academic library. "Beyond INFOTRAK: Integrating Government Document CD-ROMS into Course Assignments," by Vicky York, describes a study of upper-division students to determine their knowledge of government information sources and CD-ROM use prior to a course that necessitated their use. Survey questionnaires and references are included for individual papers. (BBM)
AnmerkungenLibrary Services, William Allen White Library, Emporia State University, Box 51, Emporia, KS 66801-5087.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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