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Autor/inGallagher, Megan
InstitutionUrban Institute
TitelDeveloping Housing and Education Partnerships: Lessons from the Field. Research Report
Quelle(2015), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterPublic Housing; Urban Schools; Partnerships in Education; Low Income Groups; Case Studies; Public Schools; Educational Attainment; Attendance; Achievement Gap; Elementary Secondary Education; Early Childhood Education; Program Effectiveness; Objectives; Data; Decision Making; Financial Support; Coordination; Administrative Organization; Program Administration; Connecticut; Ohio; Washington
AbstractSchools and youth-serving organizations often struggle to better meet the needs of low-income students and to connect them to resources that can stabilize their lives and strengthen their academic competencies. Assisted-housing providers, including housing authorities, are in a unique position to support educators, low-income students, and their caregivers outside the school day. By partnering with schools and school districts, housing providers can help address challenges outside school that can become barriers to learning--such as housing instability, truancy, and health problems. Their roles as developers and landlords create opportunities to connect housing and education. As developers, housing authorities can build or repurpose facilities and bring education supports closer to assisted-housing developments. As landlords, housing authorities can expand on-site resources and change the quid pro quo for housing assistance; if a housing authority wants to use its leases to require school attendance or education planning for young residents, it can. Housing authorities can also facilitate connections with schools and school districts through data sharing. The housing field is exploring creative approaches and promising practices to further link housing and education services. The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) is a membership association that represents 70 of the nation's largest public housing authorities. To help meet its members' desire to support educational outcomes for low-income students, CLPHA kicked off an education initiative in 2013. The initiative started with CLPHA's "Bringing Education Home" report (Council of Large Public Housing Authorities 2012), which scanned promising practices of members that were leveraging their role as housing providers to help boost academic achievement for children in assisted housing. Today, CLPHA is providing technical assistance and field-building support to practitioners, conducting policy advocacy on Capitol Hill, and entering partnerships with other national organizations to advance meaningful and sustainable partnerships between the housing and education sectors. As part of that effort, and with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CLPHA enlisted the Urban Institute to develop a set of case studies to document and describe housing and education partnerships in three diverse settings: Akron, Ohio; New Haven, Connecticut; and Vancouver, Washington. Each case study highlights key elements that shape and strengthen the partnership. This report summarizes the innovative approaches and promising practices that emerged from the three sites. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUrban Institute. 2100 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20037. Tel: 202-261-5687; Fax: 202-467-5775; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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