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Autor/inFusco, Gene C.
InstitutionUS Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education (ED)
TitelOrganization and Administration of Pupil Personnel Service Programs in Selected School Systems. Bulletin, 1961, No. 22. OE-23014
Quelle(1961), (71 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational History; Pupil Personnel Services; Program Descriptions; Program Administration; School Organization; School Administration; Educational Policy; School Districts; Case Studies; Urban Schools; Health Needs; Public Schools; Administrative Organization; Pupil Personnel Workers; School Counseling; Guidance Programs; School Health Services; Records (Forms); Elementary Secondary Education; Connecticut; Illinois; Michigan; Minnesota; New Jersey; New York; Ohio; Pennsylvania
AbstractRecent years have brought an upsurge of interest and concern among school administrators and others regarding the administrative and specialized services that are necessary for providing sound educational programs and maintaining school system efficiency. In response to that growing interest and concern, the Office of Education and the American Association of School Administrators co-sponsored a conference for purposes of identifying more precisely and assessing the nature of the most pressing problems in this highly complex aspect of local school system organization and administration. Participating in the conference, which was held in Washington in June 1959, were superintendents of urban, suburban, and county-unit school systems ranging in size from 6,000 to 75,000 pupils and representing all major geographic regions of the Nation. Prominent among the problem areas emphasized by these school superintendents was the organization of administration of special services for meeting pupil adjustment and health needs, with due consideration given to variations in school and community conditions. Realizing that this highly complex problem area was not subject to ready-made solutions, the group addressed the potential usefulness of a limited number of carefully selected case studies. This expressed need prompted the Office of Education to give careful consideration toward undertaking the study presented herein. This bulletin presents case studies of pupil personnel service programs which exist in eight urban school districts: (1) School District of Abington, Pennsylvania, Township; (2) Ann Arbor, Michigan, Public Schools; (3) Elgin, Illinois, Public Schools; (4) Ithaca, New York, City School District; (5) Independent School District No. 281, Robbinsdale, Minnesota; (6) Warren, Ohio, City School District; (7) Westfield, New Jersey, Public Schools; and (8) West Hartford, Connecticut, Public Schools. Chapters include: (1) Introduction; (2) School and Community; (3) Organization of Pupil Personnel Services; (4) Administration of Pupil Personnel Services; and (5) Administrative Leadership and Pupil Personnel Services. (Contains 3 footnotes.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenOffice of Education, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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