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Sonst. PersonenSharma, Ramesh C. (Hrsg.); Mishra, Sanjaya (Hrsg.)
TitelCases on Global E-Learning Practices: Successes and Pitfalls
Quelle(2007), (356 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterElectronic Learning; Global Approach; Case Studies; Educational Strategies; Integrity; Demonstration Programs; Foreign Countries; Multimedia Instruction; Medical Education; Medical Students; Teacher Education; Vocational Education; Undergraduate Study; Student Projects; Active Learning; Chemical Engineering; Engineering Education; Distance Education; Blended Learning; Computer Science Education; Criminology; Online Courses; Cooperative Programs; Educational Change; Teleconferencing; Portfolios (Background Materials); Social Sciences; Teacher Education Programs; Networks; Asynchronous Communication; Military Training; Computer Software; Business Administration Education; High School Students; Australia; Canada; China; Fiji; Finland; Greece; India; Missouri; New Jersey; New Zealand; South Korea; West Virginia
Abstract"Cases on Global E-Learning Practices: Successes and Pitfalls" looks into global practices of e-learning, examining the successes and failures of e-learning professionals. It provides a judicious mix of practical experiences and research in the form of case studies. Written by experts from all over the globe, this book shows how to design instructional strategies for e-learning, illustrates the application of e-learning with case studies, and reviews the potential of e-learning in education and training. "Cases on Global E-Learning Practices: Successes and Pitfalls" gives an understanding of the practical implementation of e-learning technologies, including what to do and what to avoid. Chapters of this book include: (1) Global E-Learning Practices (Ramesh Sharma and Sanjaya Mishra); (2) Online Learning with the Use of WebVT Vista (Alina Zapalska and Dallas Brozik); (3) Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous Distance Learning for Adult Training in Military Environments (Ilias Maglogiannis and Costa's Kaposi's ); (4) A Case Study on Education Networks and Brokerage (Gunnar Martin, Oliver Boil, August-Wilhelm Scheer, and Udo Winand); (5) Transitioning to E-Learning (Carmen Gonzales, Susan Bussmann, Bethany Bovard, and Julia Parra); (6) Using E-Learning to Globalize a Teacher Education Program (Hilary Wilder); (7) Delivery of a Social Science Online Program in India (Shobhita Jain); (8) Introducing Integrated E-Portfolio across Courses in a Postgraduate Program in Distance and Online Education (Madhumita Bhattacharya); (9) The Mediated Action of Educational Reform (Donna Russell); (10) VIPER (John Beaumont-Kerridge); (11) Investigating Patterns of Cognitive and Interactive Acts in an Online Student Cooperative Program (Lucio Teles and Nancy Johnston); (12) Learning Sport Management through Interaction with the Real World (Alistair Inglis, Matthew Nicholson, and Clare Hanlon); (13) Experimentation and Challenge (Raffaella Sette); (14) Learning Computer Science over the Web (Jarkko Suhonen and Erkki Sutinen); (15) Fiji Implements Blended E-Learning as Appropriate Flexible Learning (Elspeth McKay); (16) Project-Based Learning in Chemical Engineering Education Using Distance Education Tools (Katia Tannous); (17) The "Pastoral" in Virtual Space (Mary Griffiths and Michael Griffiths); (18) Using Scenario-Based Learning for E-Learning in Vocational Education (K. C. Chu); (19) An E-Workshop Model for Teacher Training (Yan Hanbing and Zhu Zhiting); (20) Creating a Multimedia Instructional Product for Medical School Students (Mitchell Weisburgh); (21) Hard Fun (Colette Wanless-Sobel); (22) ESPORT Demonstration Project, Canada (Patrick Fahy and Patrick Cummins); (23) EBS E-Learning and Social Integrity (Byung-Ro Lim); and (24) Case Studies on Learners and Instructors in an E-Learning Ecosystems (Vive Kumar, Chris Groeneboer, Stephanie Chu, Dianne Jamieson-Noel, and Cindy Xin). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenInformation Science Publishing. Available from: IGI Global. 701 East Chocolate Avenue Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033. Tel: 866-342-6657; Tel: 717-533-8845; Fax: 717-533-8661; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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