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Autor/inCohen, Arhur M.
TitelMiami-Dade Junior College: A Study in Racial Integration.
Quelle(1964), (136 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Ph.D. Dissertation, Florida State University. Contains blurred text and light type
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Dissertation; Administrative Organization; Case Studies; College Desegregation; Community Colleges; Educational History; Educational Planning; Educational Policy; Governance; Policy Formation; Racial Composition; Racial Integration; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThis dissertation examines the progress of racial integration at Miami-Dade Junior College in Dade County, Florida, from the years 1957-1964. Chapter 1 introduces the study and discusses the organization of Miami-Dade Junior College while relating administrative behavior and communication systems to the phased racial integration of the college. Chapter 2 examines the demographic characteristics of Miami and Dade County and reviews the history of racial desegregation in southern colleges and universities. Chapter 3 focuses on the founding of Miami-Dade Junior College, including the politics between state and local school board officials and the initial plan to design a two-campus, single-college structure in order to accomplish phased racial integration. In Chapter 4, the study reveals how Dade County school officials abandoned the idea of designing a two-campus, single-college system for fear of perpetuating racial segregation. This chapter examines how school officials established a single college with two centers, which were combined into one campus between 1957 and 1960. Chapter 5 discusses the details of the integration of the college, including issues of management, academic programming, and academic outcomes. The document concludes with an examination into the policy formation, administrative procedure, and communication systems for the full integration of Miami-Dade Junior College. (Contains 110 references.) (ND)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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