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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionBulgarian National Observatory on Vocational Education and Training and the Labour Market, Sofia.
TitelModernisation of Vocational Education and Training in Bulgaria. National Observatory Country Report, 1999.
Quelle(1999), (104 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Developing Nations; Economic Development; Education Work Relationship; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Educational Needs; Educational Philosophy; Educational Policy; Employment Qualifications; Foreign Countries; Government School Relationship; International Educational Exchange; Modernization; National Surveys; Postsecondary Education; School Business Relationship; Technical Education; Vocational Education; Bulgaria
AbstractThis report provides an overview of the state of vocational education and training systems in Bulgaria, in the context of the history and the present economic development of the country. The report is organized in nine sections that cover the following topics: (1) political and socioeconomic background information, including economic development, demography, and the labor market; (2) modernization of vocational education and training system, including organization and main features; (3) human resource development of managers and administrators; (4) research on vocational education and training and the labor market; (5) institutions responsible for state policy on vocational education and training; (6) legislation; (7) financing of vocational education and training and continuing vocational training; (8) the contribution of bilateral and multilateral donors to vocational education and training reform; and (9) constraints, challenges, and future needs, among them these key priorities: dissemination of the VETERST pilot school activities, institution-building and training at the regional level, and development of continuing training activities for groups vulnerable to unemployment and social exclusion. The document also contains a list of abbreviations, a bibliography listing 29 references, a glossary defining 14 terms, lists of major organizations in vocational education and training and continuing vocational training, a list of in-depth studies carried out by the Bulgarian National Observatory, a one-page profile of the Bulgarian education system, 20 tables, 7 charts, and a diagram. (KC)
AnmerkungenFor full text: http://$file/NOBS-bulgaria.pdf.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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