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Autor/inn/enBrown, DiAnn; Gaar, Sara J.
InstitutionAlaska State Dept. of Education, Juneau.; Special Education Service Agency, Anchorage, AK.
TitelAlaska Dual Sensory Impairment Services: Final Performance Report, October 1, 1995 to September 30, 1999.
Quelle(1999), (42 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgency Cooperation; Consultation Programs; Deaf Blind; Delivery Systems; Demonstration Programs; Elementary Secondary Education; Information Dissemination; Inservice Education; Parent Education; Postsecondary Education; Preschool Education; State Programs; Technical Assistance; Alaska
AbstractThis final report describes activities and accomplishments of Alaska's 3-year program on services for children and youth with dual sensory impairments. The project provided personalized technical assistance to local education agencies, to infant learning programs, and to other educators. It also provided support and training to families of children with deaf-blindness. Primary services provided by the project were early identification of infants, children, and youth with deaf-blindness, the development and maintenance of in-state expertise, consultation and training to parents, consultation and technical assistance to service providers throughout the state, support for transition planning, dissemination of information about deaf-blindness and resources to service providers and families, collection of census data of students with deaf-blindness, and technical assistance for educating children with deaf-blindness in the least restrictive environment. Ongoing coordination and interagency collaboration occurred with public, private, local, and national resources. This report describes the project's conceptual framework and justification, goals and objectives, activities and accomplishments, problems, evaluation, and impact. Appendices include workshops and training evaluative data, results of satisfaction surveys, action plan follow-up data, and a sample newsletter. (CR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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