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Autor/inn/enCarey, Nancy; Lewis, Laurie; Farris, Elizabeth
InstitutionWestat, Inc., Rockville, MD.
TitelParent Involvement in Children's Education: Efforts by Public Elementary Schools. National Center for Education Statistics Statistical Analysis Report.
Quelle(1998), (57 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Educational Improvement; Elementary Education; Family School Relationship; Minority Group Children; Outcomes of Education; Parent Influence; Parent Participation; Parent Role; Parent School Relationship; Parent Student Relationship; Poverty; Public Schools
AbstractIn response to the National Education Goals panel's recognition of the role that parents can have in children's learning and school performance, the "Survey on Family and School Partnerships in Public Schools K-8" was conducted to determine the ways schools are engaging parents in their children's education and the extent to which parents are responding to those involvement opportunities. Questionnaires were sent to a nationally representative sample of 900 public schools enrolling kindergarten through eigth grade students. The survey looked at the kinds of school-home communication schools establish, kinds of activities schools sponsor, kinds of volunteer activities schools make available, the extent to which parents are included in school decision making, and other factors that influence school efforts to increase parent involvement. Among the findings highlighted are the following: (1) most schools initiated communications with parents to inform them about school curricula and student performance; (2) most schools provided parents with information designed to promote learning at home and on topics related to child-rearing issues; (3) the majority of schools held various activities, such as parent conferences and academic exhibitions, intended to encourage parent involvement; (5) parents were more likely to attend events that featured some interaction with the students' teachers; (6) parent attendance at school-sponsored events varied by geographic region, poverty concentration, and minority enrollment; (7) in general, schools do not include parents in very much school decision making; (8) the majority of schools provided parents opportunities to volunteer both inside and outside the classroom, to assist in fundraising and attend PTA meetings, though the percentage of schools satisfied with the degree of parent participation in these activities decreased as minority and poor student enrollment increased; and (9) lack of time on the part of parents was most often named as the greatest barrier impeding parent involvement. (Three appendices include survey methodology and data reliability and the survey form.) (HTH)
AnmerkungenU.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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