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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enWales, Barbara; und weitere
InstitutionCentral Missouri State Univ., Warrensburg.
TitelCMSU Library Usage: Telephone Survey Results.
Quelle(1997), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; College Students; Higher Education; Library Materials; Library Services; Library Surveys; Student Attitudes; Student Surveys; Telephone Surveys; Use Studies; User Needs (Information); User Satisfaction (Information)
AbstractThe Assessment Committee of Library Services at Central Missouri State University conducted a telephone survey of 500 (41.2% completion rate) university students. The goals were to use a random sampling in order to gain more information regarding usage patterns of library services; to identify factors which inhibit patron use; and to reveal obstacles to service. Surveys were conducted by telephone over the course of 10 weeks. One individual, the Assessment Committee intern, made all the calls. When asked about visiting library services this academic year, 90% responded positively. Responses indicated that students use the library for several reasons: 82.2% check out materials; 79.57% complete class assignments; 67.74% use the copiers; 65.05% get help finding information; and 60.22% study at the library. Approximately one-third of the students who use the library did not seem to be discouraged in any way from using it. Among the remaining two-thirds surveyed, the following discouragements were cited: 25.81% felt that the library does not have needed materials; 25.27% cited parking problems; 21.51% thought that the hours could be extended; 14.52% disliked the building temperature; 13.44% thought that noise was a problem; and 18.28% cited other reasons. Some students indicated they preferred to use other libraries; the most frequent reasons for this included convenience and availability of more materials. The two primary deterrents to use cited by library users were parking (25%) and a feeling that the library does not have the materials needed (25%). The survey instrument and a table of student uses for the library by rank are appended. (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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