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Autor/inn/enTownsend, Christine D.; Cummins, Richard L.
TitelEnhanced Leadership Education: Integrating Real Time Community Issues with Leadership Skill Training.
Quelle(1996), (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgricultural Education; Business Education; College Students; Decision Making; Engineering Education; Higher Education; Interpersonal Competence; Leadership; Leadership Training; Liberal Arts; Management Development; Problem Solving; Teamwork; Vocational Education
AbstractThe Eisenhower Leadership Development Program at Texas A&M University was created to provide students with an academic perspective on the issues facing leaders, particularly in the areas of health policy, economic development, education, and technology and innovation. Based on the work provided by leadership researchers and educators, the program designers decided that a mainstay of the program was to place students in a work situation where the new paradigm of leadership was experienced. Students from the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Business, Liberal Arts, and Engineering were selected by application to participate in the program. In teams, the students initiated the steps to solve real-time problems. Students met on a regular basis, were supervised by university professors and staff, received intensive instruction, and reported their problem analysis/solutions to the actual community agencies. The benefits and successes of the program were many. Working with multiple colleges within a large university allowed students to experience teaming with others different from themselves. The link with the community agencies was a way to involve colleges, universities, and schools with community development. The model's most significant attribute was the development of an instructional framework that combined learning about leadership with practicing leadership. (Author/YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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