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Sonst. PersonenBrown, Gerald R. (Mitarb.)
InstitutionWheatland Regional Library, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan).
TitelInter-Agency Collaboration Pilot Project among Information Providers within the Boundaries of the Wheatland Regional Library & Learn Centre. Final Report.
Quelle(1994), (72 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Access to Information; Bookmobiles; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Information Dissemination; Library Automation; Library Cooperation; Library Funding; Library Networks; Library Personnel; Library Services; Pilot Projects; Public Libraries; Public Relations; School Libraries; Shared Library Resources; Staff Development; Use Studies; Canada (Saskatoon)
AbstractThis final report describes the Inter-Agency Collaboration pilot project of the Wheatland Regional Library among the information providers within its boundaries. The project had four objectives: (1) to initiate discussion between participants about the mandate, roles, and services available to their clients; (2) to raise the image of public libraries as information providers in the pilot communities; (3) to develop mechanisms for sharing services within the funding jurisdiction; and (4) to participate in joint programs, projects, or activities appropriate to the mandate. An executive summary of the project is followed by information on its historical background, terminology, and objectives. The model for the process and the scope of the project are then presented. The phases of project implementation are listed, including a description of the survey of student use of branch and mobile library services. The methodology, survey instrument, and survey results, are also presented. Evidence of the project's results concludes the report and is organized in eight areas of collaboration: information sharing in networks; public relations and promotions; differentiated staffing; shared purchasing; automation; joint training; joint policy development; and joint funding. (Contains 13 references.) (JLB)
AnmerkungenWheatland Regional Library, 806 Duchess Ave., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada STK OR3 ($10 Canadian).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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