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Autor/inLiggett, Joanna M.
TitelSurvey of Ohio's Prison Libraries.
Quelle(1993), (66 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Censorship; Financial Support; Interlibrary Loans; Librarians; Library Circulation; Library Collections; Library Facilities; Library Services; Library Surveys; Occupational Information; Prison Libraries; Questionnaires; Research Needs; Safety; State Surveys; Use Studies; Ohio
AbstractA survey was conducted to gather data about Ohio's prison libraries and the librarians who are responsible for them. These libraries are areas of challenge and opportunity for librarians, and there will be continued growth in this field as more and more prisons are built. However, few professionals are aware of the concerns and challenges facing prison librarians. Mail questionnaires containing 36 questions were sent to the head librarians at each of Ohio's 21 adult prisons in operation at the time the survey was conducted, and 12 were returned for a return rate of 57%. Descriptive statistics were applied to give meaning to this data and to help develop a profile of Ohio's prison libraries. Staff and inmate library use, librarian safety issues, library collection size and contents, circulation statistics, interlibrary loan services, space available and handicapped access, work hours, funding, censorship, and staffing are among the topics covered. When appropriate to do so, the results of this survey are compared with those of a 1988 national survey of prison libraries. From the findings of the survey and of the literature review that preceded it, several recommendations for further study are made. A copy of the questionnaire used in the survey is appended. (Contains 31 references.) (KRN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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