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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionCAUSE, Boulder, CO.
TitelChallenges and Opportunities of Information Technology in the 90s. Track VI: Managing Academic Information Systems.
Quelle(1991), (51 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Classroom Environment; College Administration; Computer Networks; Copyrights; Distance Education; Higher Education; Information Management; Information Networks; Information Technology; Physical Disabilities
AbstractSix papers from the 1990 CAUSE conference's Track VI, Managing Academic Information Systems are presented. Papers discuss issues related to the integration of merging technologies - computing, communications, classrooms - and their effects on the way "academic business" is conducted. Papers and their authors are as follows: "Networked Information Resources and Services in Higher Education" (Paul Peters - Abstract Only); "Access, Equity, and Academic Information - Including People with Disabilities in the Information Infrastructure" (Jay Brill, Jane Berliss, and Danny Hilton-Chalfant); "Managing Academic Information Systems in a Dispersed Environment" (Carol A. Twigg); "Information Access: Computing Services and Libraries - A Joint Offensive Team" (Geraldine MacDonald and Andrew Perry); "From Segregation to Integration: Effective Planning and Implementation of Academic Information Systems" (Don Grinstead, Gerry Bernbom, and Barry Rubin); and "A College Policy on Copyrighted Material" (William J. Moressi, Betty M. Laster, Laurance R. Mitlin, Christopher C. Hodgdon, and Benny G. Coxton). (GLR)
AnmerkungenCAUSE Exchange Library, 737 Twenty-Ninth Street, Boulder, CO 80303 (individual papers available to CAUSE members at cost of reproduction).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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