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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionCouncil for Higher Education, Jerusalem (Israel).
TitelThe Planning and Budgeting Committee Annual Report No. 17, Academic Year 1989/90.
Quelle(1991), (167 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBudgeting; College Preparation; Colleges; Educational Facilities; Educational Finance; Educational Planning; Foreign Countries; Foreign Students; Higher Education; Institutional Cooperation; Research; Resource Allocation; Student Financial Aid; Student Mobility; Transfer Students; Universities; Israel
AbstractThis report by the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC) of the Council for Higher Education in Israel discusses the resources and actions needed within higher education in Israel in order to provide access to education to students from abroad as well for Israeli citizens. The report describes Israel's higher education system, as well as the planning for new units and the closure of others. It also examines the higher education budget, the development of an academic infrastructure and promotion of research and scientific excellence, and the funds needed for the encouragement of research in Special Subjects that is financed jointly with other organizations. Additionally the report addresses the following subjects: inter-univesity cooperation; student aid; and other activities and allocations such as those for foreign students, regional colleges, pre-academic preparatory courses, and the advancement of peripheral hospitals. Finally, the report describes the PBC and the Israeli government and how they interrelate. Appendices include the following: (1) the subjects discussed at the meetings of the PBC and the Council for Higher Education in 1989/90; (2) students in universities - 1969/70 to 1989/90 - by university and degree level; (3) students in non-university institutions of higher education - 1983/84 to 1989/90; (4) recipients of degrees from universities - 1969/70 to 1988/89; (5) registration in academic courses and graduates at The Open University - 1983/84 to 1989/90; and (6) active university staffs at all and selected universities. (GLR)
AnmerkungenCouncil for Higher Education in Israel, P.O.B. 4037 Jerusalem 91040 (free).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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