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Autor/inHolley, Edward G.
TitelOCLC, Libraries, and Scholarship: What Lies Ahead?
Quelle(1989), (9 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academic Libraries; Bibliographic Utilities; Costs; Electronic Publishing; Expert Systems; Higher Education; Information Networks; International Trade; Library Automation; Library Role; Online Searching; Research Libraries; Telecommunications; User Needs (Information)
AbstractWritten by a board member of OCLC, this paper discusses critical issues relating to OCLC for the remaining decade of the twentieth century. A brief history of OCLC traces its development and recounts its goals and missions to establish a computerized network to promote the evolution of library use, of libraries themselves, and of librarianship. The first section addresses the criticism that OCLC is too much a business and indifferent to the concerns of libraries and librarians, and explores specific problematic areas in OCLC. The second section describes new challenges to national, regional, and state networks that serve the library community, including escalating costs for telecommunications, equipment, online searching, and new systems. The third section questions how--as it enters the field of electronic publishing, and as scholarship moves more toward access rather than to ownership--OCLC can best serve the end user. The final section discusses the expansion of OCLC's role as an international database, explains similarities and differences among international applications, and discusses economic problems. (SD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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