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Autor/inCashman, Kristin
TitelTransferring Relevant Farm Technology to Students from Less Industrialized Countries.
Quelle(1987), (18 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Agricultural Education; Agricultural Occupations; Agricultural Production; Agricultural Skills; Appropriate Technology; College Students; Developing Nations; Foreign Students; Higher Education; Industrialization; Land Grant Universities; Local Issues; Student Educational Objectives; Technical Assistance; Technology Transfer
AbstractIn order to better understand problems encountered in meeting the particular agricultural education and training needs of students from developing countries, 30 students enrolled in the College of Agriculture at the University of Minnesota in academic year 1983-84 were interviewed to assess individual backgrounds and agricultural training to date, and to relate present training levels to the students' perception of needs in their home countries. A general overview is provided of the average farm size and labor force engaged in farming in the students' countries of origin. Respondents' characteristics were identified and included individual background, educational training, number of years in the United States, source of academic funding, city or rural origination, parents' occupations, size of land owned and farmed, work experience, and occupation on return home. Student responses showed that the education/training of agriculturalists in United States institutions of higher learning does not relate sufficiently to the domestic needs of farming cultures in less industrialized countries (LICs), and that it should be predicated on local capacities and innovations for use in LIC farming. LIC students in colleges of agriculture in the United States should gain practical experience through work with farmers in the United States whose farming practices are applicable to farming cultures, systems, and practices in the LICs. (JMM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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