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Autor/inCaputo, John S.
TitelBecoming a Communicator: A Look at the English Primary School and the Development of Linguistic Strategies in Young School Children.
Quelle(1982), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Language; Communication Skills; Comparative Analysis; Curriculum Development; Educational Research; Foreign Countries; Language Acquisition; Language Arts; Language Proficiency; Language Skills; Primary Education; Public Education; Reading; Teaching Methods; Writing Skills; United Kingdom (England); United States
AbstractBased on a five month participant-observation study of two schools, this paper describes the organization and curriculum of English primary schools, with an emphasis upon strategies and materials used in developing linguistic competence in school children. The report describes the organization, curriculum, and development of communication competence in reading, writing, and speaking in the English schools, as indicated by field notes, slides, tape recorded interviews, informal discussions with headmasters and teachers, and official school documents compiled during the study, including curriculum guides and operational procedures. The final portion of the paper presents the conclusions of the study, which state that there is a much higher degree of achievement in the British primary school system than in the American public elementary schools, and that the English schools appear to be quite successful in teaching their major goal of communication competence. (HTH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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