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Autor/inBrawer, Florence B.
InstitutionCenter for the Study of Community Colleges, Los Angeles, CA.
TitelAdvisory Committees for the Humanities.
Quelle(1980), (17 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Advisory Committees; Citizen Participation; Community Colleges; Community Involvement; Curriculum Development; Evaluation Criteria; Group Membership; Humanities; Information Dissemination; Meetings; Planning; School Community Relationship; Two Year Colleges
AbstractSuggested guidelines for the effective implementation and operation of advisory committees for the humanities at community colleges are provided in a question-and-answer format. The guide first defines the advisory committee as a coterie of individuals assigned the task of providing guidance in a particular area of interest. It then examines: (1) the role the humanities advisory committee can play in providing visibility for the college and its humanities program; (2) the selection of committee members from among individuals outside the educational profession; (3) the responsibilities undertaken by the committee to assist the college in relating its humanities programs to the needs of the community; (4) the educational questions which should be addressed in performing those responsibilities; (5) the administrative steps in planning committee formation; (6) the responsibilities of the committee chairperson, secretary, and college representative; (7) the need for committee members from within the college administration to familiarize other members with the humanities programs at the college; (8) the necessity of devising an annual program of activities for the committee; (9) the procedures involved in conducting committee meetings; (10) the items to be addressed in committee agenda; and (11) criteria for evaluation of advisory committee effectiveness. (JP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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