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Autor/inGingras, Rosario C.
InstitutionSouthwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Los Alamitos, CA.
TitelA Critical Review of Standard Procedures for Studying Spanish-English Bilingualism.
[Report No.: SWRL-TN-2-71-03
Quelle(1971), (14 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Bilingualism; English (Second Language); Interference (Language); Language Research; Language Usage; Linguistics; Literature Reviews; Mexican Americans; Research Methodology; Review (Reexamination); Spanish
AbstractRecently attention has been focused on the language problems of the Mexican American child. In order not to duplicate work done by other investigators in the field, it is necessary to study previous published material dealing with the language of these children. "A Brief Study of Spanish/English Bilingualism: Final Report" (D.M. Lance, Texas A&M University, 1969) is one of the few studies devoted to Spanish/English bilingualism in the Southwest United States. The research studies reported in that report are reviewed in this paper. This paper consists of 5 papers presenting partial analyses of data collected from an exploratory research project aimed at describing the use and characteristics of the language found in a Mexican American bilingual family living in Texas and the interferences between English and Spanish. The purpose is to evaluate those methodologies employed in terms of their relevancy to present activity. Comments are directed at the type of research methodology employed in each of the 5 subparts of the paper and suggestions are made for overcoming some of the difficulties. (Author/NQ)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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