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Autor/inn/enAcar, Ayin; Kayaoglu, Mustafa Naci
TitelMOODLE as a Potential Tool for Language Education under the Shadow of COVID-19
QuelleIn: Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, (2020) 90, S.67-82 (16 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Acar, Ayin)
ORCID (Kayaoglu, Mustafa Naci)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterIntegrated Learning Systems; Distance Education; Electronic Learning; Blended Learning; Synchronous Communication; English (Second Language); Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Instructional Effectiveness; Student Satisfaction; Student Motivation; High School Students; Grade 11; Adolescents; Foreign Countries; COVID-19; Pandemics; Turkey
AbstractPurpose: This study aims to find out whether the use of MOODLE in English lessons as a tool for blended instruction makes a significant difference to the students' language journey. Research Methods: This is quasi-experimental research by nature, utilizing a mixed-method approach as the most appropriate tradition. In this study, 44 students ranging in age from 16 to 18 selected on the basis of a convenience sampling technique participated. After a fifteen-week treatment of MOODLE with the experimental group, paired samples T-test was applied to see if there was any difference between the two groups. A questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were also conducted to gain a deeper insight into students' experience with MOODLE. Findings: Quantitative data revealed that there was statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group, suggesting potential contribution of MOODLE to learners' language achievement in blended EFL lessons. In the same vein, the qualitative data affirmed that most of the students were satisfied with using MOODLE to support English lessons. Implications for Research and Practice: Since there is a statistically significant difference between the 1st and 2nd English exam scores of the students in the experimental group (t=-3.085 sig=0.005), MOODLE proves to be an effective online learning tool supporting blended learning. The findings of the study also provide empirical evidence for integrating blended-instruction with MOODLE in foreign EFL lessons and valuable information to the Ministry of National Education (MONE) about employing blended-instruction with MOODLE in EFL classes. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenANI Publishing Company. Kizilirmak Sokak 10/A Bakanliklar, Ankara, Turkey 06440. Tel: +90-312-425-8150; Fax: +90-312-425-8111; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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