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InstitutionHouston Independent School District (HISD), Department of Research and Accountability
TitelGlobal Graduate Student Survey Report, 2017-2018. Research Educational Program Report
Quelle(2018), (313 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Student Surveys; High School Students; High School Graduates; College Readiness; Productivity; Critical Thinking; Communication Skills; Decision Making; School Districts; College Bound Students; Grade 9; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12; Career Readiness; Aptitude Tests; High Schools; College Entrance Examinations; Adjustment (to Environment); Student Participation; Enrollment; Global Approach; Student Leadership; Texas (Houston); Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test; SAT (College Admission Test)
AbstractThe Global Graduate initiative was developed to help Houston Independent School District (HISD) students be successful in college and in the global workforce upon graduation. The program emphasizes six characteristics in its Global Graduate Profile: A Leader, Adaptable and Productive, A College-Ready Learner, A Critical Thinker, A Skilled Communicator, and A Responsible Decision Maker. Board Goal #2 states that the percentage of graduates meeting the Global Graduate standards will increase three percentage points annually from the 2017 baseline of 70 percent to 85 percent by 2022. In order to see how well the district is doing in preparing students to be Global Graduates, a survey was administered through Survey Monkey® to all HISD high school students during the Fall 2017 semester (November 6-17, 2017) and again during the Spring 2018 semester (April 2-20, 2018). This report analyzes survey responses collected from the Spring administration and changes from the Fall to the Spring. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenHouston Independent School District. Research & Accountability, 4400 West 18th Street 2 NW, Houston, TX 77092. Tel: 713-556-6700; Fax: 713-556-6730; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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