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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inBarchers, Suzanne I.
Titel180 days of language for fourth grade.
QuelleHuntington Beach, CA: Shell Education (2020), 208 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781425811693 (Taschenbuch); 1425811698 (Taschenbuch)
SchlagwörterFourth grade (Education); English language; Problems, exercises, etc; Capitalization; Punctuation; Grammar; Orthography and spelling; Education, Elementary; Activity programs; Teaching; Aids and devices; Teaching Materials; Quatrième année (Éducation); Anglais (Langue); Problèmes et exercices; Orthographe; Enseignement primaire; Méthodes actives; Matériel didactique; instructional materials; Problems and Exercises; exercise books; Problems and exercises; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"Reinforce and enhance students' grammar skills using Practice, assess, diagnose: 180 days of language. This standards-based resource provides an engaging and purposeful practice page for every day of the school year. The practice pages follow a consistent format, and each key language skill is addressed daily, allowing students ample opportunities to master each one. Use the included diagnostic tools to record evidence of student learning, assess progress, and identify intervention or enrichment needs."--Page 4 of cover
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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