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Autor/inMusil, Caryn McTighe
TitelGender Equity: Who Needs It?
QuelleIn: Liberal Education, 99 (2013) 3
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterGender Issues; Sex Fairness; Females; Womens Education; College Students; Social Justice; Feminism; Socioeconomic Status; Equal Education; Social Bias; Violence; Political Issues; Teacher Role; Elementary Secondary Education; Access to Education; Barriers
AbstractAfter forty-one years in print, "On Campus with Women," the periodical publication of the Association of American Colleges and Universities' Program on the Status and Education of Women (PSEW), has come to the end of its run. Caryn Musil writes that over the summer she has been preparing copies of all the issues published during her tenure as director of the PSEW (1991-2012) for shipment to the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America at Harvard University. While the PSEW archives represent more than four decades of work on gender equity, Musil argues that the journey of women is not complete. Women are still in the midst of a long historical and global struggle to ensure that women and girls across colors and nations have full equality, agency, and opportunity. Hired as a feminist scholar who taught her first women's studies course in 1973, as a working mother, who struggled to perform both roles with integrity and love, Musil offers the following three cautionary notes (1) Skeptics and opponents--or people who are merely uninformed--are quick to proclaim prematurely the end of political movements for social change and social justice; (2) Half measures toward equity are just that: half measures; they do not ensure full equality; and (3) Be vigilant, continue to organize, always keep counting, and never assume that because you have won a victory that it will last. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAssociation of American Colleges and Universities. 1818 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009. Tel: 800-297-3775; Tel: 202-387-3760; Fax: 202-265-9532; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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