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Autor/inn/enJohnson, Matthew; Riel, Richard; Germain-Froese, Bernie
InstitutionCanadian Teachers' Federation; MediaSmarts (Canada)
TitelConnected to Learn: Teachers' Experiences with Networked Technologies in the Classroom
Quelle(2016), (102 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Networks; Computer Uses in Education; Foreign Countries; Use Studies; Teacher Surveys; Technology Integration; Elementary Secondary Education; Knowledge Level; Technological Literacy; Teacher Attitudes; Computers; Laptop Computers; Handheld Devices; Gender Differences; Teaching Experience; Social Media; Computer Mediated Communication; Social Networks; Teacher Student Relationship; Online Searching; Teacher Effectiveness; Self Efficacy; Electronic Journals; Electronic Publishing; Video Games; Video Equipment; Audio Equipment; Student Developed Materials; Canada
AbstractTo get a better understanding of how networked technologies are impacting teachers and their teaching practices, in 2015 MediaSmarts partnered with the Canadian Teachers' Federation to survey 4,043 K-12 teachers and school administrators who were teaching in classroom settings across the country. The survey explored the extent to which networked technologies are available in the classroom, the ways teachers are using networked technologies to support learning, the knowledge and skills teachers have developed to make the most of networked technologies as learning tools and creative uses of networked technologies for learning activities. The following are appended: (1) Survey Questionnaire; and (2) Methodology and Background Demographic Information. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCanadian Teachers' Federation. 2490 Don Reid Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 1E1, Canada. Tel: 866-283-1505; Tel: 613-232-1505; Fax: 613-232-1886; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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