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Autor/inn/enMcGrath, Cecile Hoareau; Hofman, Joanna; Bajziková, Lubica; Harte, Emma; Lasakova, Anna; Pankowska, Paulina; Sasso, S.; Belanger, Julie; Florea, S.; Krivogra, J.
InstitutionRAND Europe
TitelGovernance and Adaptation to Innovative Modes of Higher Education Provision. Research Report
Quelle(2016), (218 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigher Education; Governance; Educational Innovation; Online Surveys; Case Studies; Foreign Countries; Best Practices; College Administration; College Curriculum; Barriers; Educational Finance; Financial Support; Accountability; Administrative Organization; Incentives; Quality Control; Computer Uses in Education; Evaluation; Entrepreneurship; Austria; France; Ireland; Latvia; Netherlands; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain
AbstractAt a time when more students than ever are attending higher education, its provision is becoming more fluid, global and competitive. For example, developments in new technologies mean that higher education institutions (HEIs) can make their courses available all over the world. These developments bring into question the traditional delivery model of higher education institutions, which tends to be confined to physical--and hence geographically defined--course offerings. This report examines innovative modes of higher education provision, as well as ways in which the management and governance of higher education are changing in support of innovations in higher education provision. As such, it ties in with the European Commission's objectives to enhance the quality of higher education in an environment where globalisation and the attractiveness of the European higher education area need to be reinforced. This report also issues policy recommendations regarding the governance and management of new modes of higher education provision in order to enhance the attractiveness and relevance of European higher education and to increase the strategic capacities of HEIs to manage resources efficiently and effectively. Finally, it also promotes an awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe by bringing together a team of researchers representing varied backgrounds, organisational cultures and experiences. Key Findings: (1) "Innovations" include various aspects of education provision, including but not limited to digital innovations; (2) Participating institutions have highlighted several examples of promising practices in education provision and governance and management; and (3) University governance and management structures and approaches can support innovation in a number of ways. Recommendations: (1) HEIs should include innovation objectives, defined in measurable performance targets, in their strategies; (2) HEIs should consider how the types of institutional support, organisational layout, financial incentives and evaluation procedures enhance the institution's innovation potential; and (3) HEIs should consider not just investing in technology, but also prioritising training staff and developing support structures to facilitate the inclusion of innovation in a coherent teaching and learning approach. The following Annexes are included: (1) Case study 1: École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (ESSEC Business School), France; (2) Case study 2: University of Strasbourg, France; (3) Case study 3: University of Latvia; (4) Case study 4: Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia; (5) Case study 5: Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; (6) Case study 6: University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia; (7) Case study 7: University of Alicante, Spain; (8) Case study 8: University of Salamanca, Spain; (9) Case study 9: Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom; (10) Case study 10: Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom; (11) Peer Learning Activity and Training Course, Poitiers, France, 25-27 January 2016; (12) Self-assessment tool for higher education institutions; (13) Quality assurance protocol; and (14) Survey of higher education institutions. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenRAND Europe. Westbrook Centre, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1YG, United Kingdom. Tel: +44-1223-353-329; Fax: +44-1223-358-845; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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