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Autor/inn/enBuniyamin, Norlida; Mohamad, Zainuddin
TitelEngineering Curriculum Development: Balancing Employer Needs and National Interest--A Case Study.
Quelle(2000), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Learning; Case Studies; Comparative Analysis; Curriculum Development; Definitions; Developing Nations; Educational Needs; Educational Objectives; Educational Policy; Employer Attitudes; Employers; Engineering Education; Foreign Countries; Government School Relationship; Higher Education; Integrated Curriculum; Interdisciplinary Approach; Labor Force Development; Models; Needs Assessment; Public Policy; School Business Relationship; Technical Education; Undergraduate Study; Malaysia; United Kingdom; United States
AbstractThe Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, developed an undergraduate-level engineering curriculum that balances national interests with those of employers and academics. The curriculum was based on materials posted at the Internet sites of universities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Malaysia itself. The new curriculum calls for 3 or 4 years of study (depending on whether students enter the program before or after earning the equivalent of the United Kingdom's General Certificate of Education A-level). In accordance with the Malaysian government's policy of producing graduates with the English skills needed to compete in the international arena, the curriculum's language of instruction is English (except for certain subjects such as social science and humanities). Because Malaysian employers have expressed interest in engineering graduates who are well-rounded and who possess a multidisciplinary, systems perspective, the curriculum calls for a mix of mathematics and social sciences, humanities and social sciences, engineering and design, and free electives). The extended program calls for an additional 30-32 credit hours, inclusive of technical electives and courses in ethics and professional responsibilities. The model allows students to plan their own program with minimal supervision and includes provisions for international exchange or internship during the extended year. (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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