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Autor/inn/enBrown, DiAnn; Maiuri, Fran
InstitutionAlaska State Dept. of Education, Juneau.; Special Education Service Agency, Anchorage, AK.
TitelPilot for Alaska Students with Deaf-Blindness: Inclusion in Regular Classrooms (PALS). Final Performance Report, October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1995.
Quelle(1995), (178 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgency Cooperation; Deaf Blind; Distance Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Graduate Study; Inclusive Schools; Inservice Teacher Education; Mainstreaming; Pilot Projects; Postsecondary Education; Rural Education; State Programs; Technical Assistance; Urban Education; Alaska
AbstractThis final report describes a pilot 3-year project in Alaska to include children with deaf-blindness in regular classrooms. The project established and supported two pilot sites for inclusion of students with deaf-blindness, one urban and one rural. As a result of the project, three out of four pilot site students moved from self-contained special education classrooms to full inclusion in regular classrooms where they received education to meet their individualized needs. At the sites, strategies for supporting inclusive education were documented to be effective. Training was provided to staff responsible for the education of 13 of the 16 school-aged Alaskan students with deaf-blindness. A three-credit university course, offered through distance education, was taught and supported by the project. Additional course work on inclusive education was provided by the project through summer institutes and other short courses. Technical assistance and inservice training were provided for teachers, administrators, parents, and students. Project staff became involved in statewide planning and in a state initiative to support further training and assistance to improve inclusive education. Sections of the report describe the project's rationale, conceptual framework, goals and objectives, participants and components of the training model, problems and their resolution, findings, evaluation, and impact. Extensive appendices provide project materials, including training outlines, course descriptions, a course syllabus, the cooperative agreement, a technical assistance agreement, a teacher survey form, satisfaction evaluations, and a listing of library resources on inclusive education. (Contains 23 references.) (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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