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Autor/inHarris, Marilyn M.
TitelOral History Is Not Just Oral and Not Entirely History: Gleanings in the Field.
Quelle(1995), (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Educational History; Higher Education; Historiography; Oral History; Primary Sources; Scholarship; Writing (Composition); Writing Instruction
AbstractThe fact that a textbook presents a codified method does not mean that this textbook is an accurate representation of what happened in practice. Without verification, without records of teachers' practices, without student writing and comment, all the discipline of composition studies has is an idealized record of what should have been. This outside source material is where oral history comes in. While it is far too late to reclaim much information from the earliest years of composition teaching in this country, there is still the opportunity to retrieve the rest--if scholars hurry. Of primary importance is that scholars realize the necessity of having access to the information around them, how to locate it, and how to preserve it. Secondly, scholars must educate themselves in dealing with such information--where to find it, how to "do" it. To this end, they must know the methods of oral history--how to construct useful questions, how to conduct interviews, how to record and transcribe the materials they get, when and how to ask for collateral materials. They must also be aware that history is far more complex than dates and significant events. It is a comprehensive record of society. Modern composition scholars should keep thorough records of their own work for study by future generations. (Contains a 16-item selected bibliography of sources available on oral history and related disciplines.) (TB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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