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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenBrown, Gerald R. (Mitarb.)
InstitutionWheatland Regional Library, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan).
TitelInter-Agency Collaboration Pilot Project Student User Survey with Saskatoon (East) School Division No. 41: Data Analysis and Recommendations.
Quelle(1993), (51 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Information; Bookmobiles; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Learning Resources Centers; Library Cooperation; Library Services; Library Surveys; Public Libraries; School Libraries; Student Attitudes; Use Studies; Canada (Saskatoon)
AbstractThe survey reported here was part of a larger project, the Wheatland Library Inter-Agency Collaboration Pilot Project. This Student User Survey summarizes data and recommendations for improved collaboration between the schools and the Wheatland Library. This report presents the findings of the survey along with recommendations. It provides a perspective on the students' perceptions and attitudes towards reading, libraries, and using information. The report begins with an introduction and an overview of the Inter-Agency Collaboration Pilot Project. Next, the methodology of the survey is reported, followed by analyses of the data. These analyses, which make up the major part of the report, are organized in eight categories: participants in survey; library membership; reasons for not having membership; frequency of library visits; reasons for going to the branch or mobile library; collection analysis; other sources accessed for student information; and additional comments. Finally, a summary of the survey and recommendations based on the findings are presented. Data analysis charts and a copy of the survey instrument are appended. (JLB)
AnmerkungenWheatland Regional Library, 806 Duchess Ave., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada STK OR3 ($10 Canadian).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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