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Autor/inn/enClough, J. R.; Traill, R. D.
InstitutionCanberra Univ. (Australia).
TitelA Mapping of Participation Rates in Junior Sport in the Australian Capital Territory.
Quelle(1992), (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAthletics; Elementary School Students; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Leisure Time; Physical Activities; Recreational Activities; Secondary School Students; Student Attitudes; Student Participation; Surveys; Australia
AbstractThis executive summary discusses the methodology and findings of a survey of participation in sport by school-age young people in the Australian Capital Territory school system. The sample included 525 males and 523 females in grades kindergarten to 12. The survey assessed participation in 25 sports in 4 different contexts (playing sport in classtime at school, with family or friends, for their school, and for a sporting club). The survey also assessed favored leisure activities, reasons for playing their favorite sport, feelings when playing sports, perceived benefits of playing a sport, sporting heroes and heroines, watching sporting events, and sporting facilities. The most frequently played sports in classtime at school were aerobics/gymnastics, cricket/kanga cricket, volleyball, softball, and soccer/roo ball. The most frequently cited sports when playing sports for their school were swimming, netball/netta netball, soccer/roo ball, athletics, softball, and cricket/kanga cricket. When playing with family or friends, the most popular sports were bicycle riding, swimming, skating, tennis/ace tennis, and horseback riding. In playing sport for a sporting club, the most frequently chosen sports were athletics/little athletics, soccer/roo ball, swimming, aerobics/gymnastics, tennis/ace tennis, netball/netta netball, and cricket/kanga cricket. (JDD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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