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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionAssociation of American Colleges, Washington, DC.
TitelReports from the Fields. Liberal Learning and the Arts and Sciences Major. Volume 2.
Quelle(1991), (234 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterColleges; Course Evaluation; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Educational Needs; Educational Practices; Higher Education; Liberal Arts; Majors (Students); Undergraduate Study; Units of Study; Universities
AbstractThis report presents summaries of important issues and needed changes in how colleges and universities treat the undergraduate liberal arts major. This volume, volume 2, contains abridged versions of 12 field reports, written by task forces appointed by the participating learned societies. In the reports, campus practices within the liberal arts majors across the country are reviewed. The findings reflect the problems and challenges that are present in these 12 majors, both within their disciplines and as a part of liberal learning in general. The field reports take into consideration the twin agendas of maintaining the intellectual purpose and coherence of the major program as designed by faculty versus concern for the students' growing competence in making connections through their particular study. The task forces' reports in each field: (1) formulate a rationale for concentrated study that describes the specific contributions that advanced study should make to the overall purposes of undergraduate liberal learning: (2) frame a set of recommendations on ways to strengthen studies-in-depth in the field; and (3) identify exemplary campus programs whose practices suggest promising and significant ways that study-in-depth in the field can contribute to liberal learning. An appendix contains information on how to obtain the unabridged reports. (GLR)
AnmerkungenAssociation of American Colleges, 1818 R Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20009 (single copies $17.00, 20-99 copies $13.50 ea., 100+ copies $12.00 ea.).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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