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Autor/inSarlos, Beatrice E.
TitelBuilding Up the Other Side of Sesame Street. Organizing and Administering Delivery of Off Campus Continuing Professional Education.
Quelle(1979), (38 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Administrative Organization; Adult Education; Delivery Systems; Educational Administration; Educational Planning; Extension Education; Marketing; Off Campus Facilities; Part Time Students; Postsecondary Education; Professional Continuing Education
AbstractContinuing professional education (CPE), defined as educational services offered to professionals (those who possess initial degrees required for practice) without the restrictions of traditional scheduling, credits, tuition, or instruction methods, is discussed. The importance of a uniform terminology to distinguish the specific area of CPE is emphasized and various terms that have been used to describe the field are explained. The origins of CPE are traced to the eighteenth century in England, and in the United States to the land grant institutions offering community based agricultural teaching. The role of the National University Extension Association in the development of CPE is outlined. The rapid growth of CPE, and its shift into the mainstream of academic life are discussed. Relicensing and recertification requirements have spurred the transition from the idea of initial training to continuing education as the mark of modern pedagogy and have created a shift in emphasis from preservice to inservice training. On-campus programs and services offered to extension students at several colleges and universities are described. Problems of organizing and administering off-campus courses are detailed and the need for specialists in the field is emphasized. Centralized and decentralized systems are discussed and contracting and consorting (sharing faculty resources) are explained. It is noted that there is a need for planning and marketing to create relevant, diverse, and stimulating programs and to encourage participation in CPE programs. Special skills required of CPE administrators, with the emphasis on off-campus CPE programs, include planning and marketing skills, a broad perspective on the field of education, and effective communications skills. (BH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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