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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionNorthwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR.
TitelAdult Career Education Counseling Project. Final Report.
Quelle, (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Counseling; Adult Education; Adult Educators; Adult Programs; Career Counseling; Career Development; Career Guidance; Competency Based Education; Counselor Role; Counselor Training; Demonstration Programs; Independent Study; Individualized Programs; Job Skills; Learning Modules; Learning Processes; Models; Program Design; Program Development
AbstractA special demonstration project to develop, pilot test, evaluate, and disseminate a competency-based, open-entry/open-exit training program model for adult education guidance and counseling personnel resulted in the development of SAGE (Skills for Adult Guidance Educators). The SAGE training system was developed in nine steps including exploring scholarly research and conducting a nationwide survey; defining a philosophy of individual development materialized in the conceptual model; and defining a philosophy of instruction materialized in the training model. The conceputal model is predicated on an interrelationship among four concepts: life stage, life style, life space, and total life planning. The training model is based on the following concepts: evidence of learning is a learner's performance; performance is measured in on-the-job situations; and the rate of learning is determined by the learner. SAGE, a module system of self-instructional packages, contains twenty-one broad skill areas (role statements) required of adult education guidance and counseling personnel which are each subdivided into specific skills. Each specific skill is taught in one module with each module containing the following components: Learning Objective, Rationale, Preassessment, Learning Activities, and Postassessment. This system may be adapted to many diverse adult and counselor education settings. (The twenty-one role statements and seventy-five module titles are appended, and information on their availability is included.) (EM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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