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Sonst. PersonenEwan, E. A. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionBritish Educational Administration Society.
TitelManagement of Resources. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Educational Administration Society. (2nd, Edinburg, Scotland, November 10, 1973).
Quelle(1974), (36 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Conference Reports; Educational Administration; Educational Assessment; Educational Finance; Educational Needs; Educational Planning; Educational Research; Elementary Schools; Higher Education; Institutional Cooperation; Models; Problem Solving; Resource Allocation; Secondary Schools; Staff Utilization; Teacher Supply and Demand; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractThis publication contains four conference addresses, responses to those addresses, and a synopsis of eight discussion group reports. The report begins with a paper on staff resources in secondary schools, then considers the problem of assessing the staffing needs of secondary schools and ensuring an adequate supply of qualified secondary teachers, and attempts to establish for Scotland a rationale for the apportionment of teaching resources to and within the secondary school sector. The next paper discusses the joint use of resources by schools and Further Education colleges. It considers the reorganization of educational facilities for the 11-18 age group. The synopsis of eight discussion group reports centers on key aspects of the first two papers. The third paper considers resources for education and their management in British education; the partnership between central and local government and the organized teaching profession; and the system of central planning and control of public educational expenditure exercised by the central government. The final paper concentrates on the implications for education of corporate management style implementation at regional and divisional levels in the new structure of local government, with particular emphasis on information, evaluation, and accountability. (Author/DN)
AnmerkungenMr. D. L. Parkes, Associate Editor and Business Manager, Educational Administration Bulletin, Further Education Staff College, Coombe Lodge, Blagdon, Bristol BS18 6RS (England) (1 pound)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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