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Autor/inn/enWebb, Earl S.; Kruse, Robert F.
InstitutionTexas A and M Univ., College Station. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
TitelAn Assessment of Selected Aspects of the Pre-Employment Program in Farm Machinery Service and Repair.
Quelle(1970), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgricultural Education; Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural Machinery; Agricultural Machinery Occupations; Machine Repairers; Program Evaluation; Questionnaires; Vocational Education; Vocational Education Teachers
AbstractIn an effort to evaluate certain aspects of the pre-employment program in farm machinery service and repair, questionnaires were sent to 39 Texas teachers of the programs. Based on 30 responses (76.92%), the major conclusions were: a majority of the teachers felt they did not have adequate training in farm machinery mechanics; no uniform selection of students for enrollment existed and no aptitude tests were given; the teachers felt the students possessed mechanical aptitude but the most of them were not planning on becoming mechanics. It was also found that close to 30% of the students completing the pre-employment laboratory program were employed as farm machinery mechanics or in closely related occupations. Suggestions were made by the teachers for improving the program by increasing class time, space, tools and equipment, and instructional materials. Support from local implement dealers was judged to be adequate. Five recommendations are made by the author on the basis of the information compiled. The report is intended to inform teachers, teacher educators, and Texas State Department of Education personnel of some of the experiences gained by the program teachers. (AG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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